Collection: Canine Treadmills Hydrotherapy / Dry

New Range Auberon VetnPro Electronic Foldable Canine Treadmills - Dry + Hydrotherapy 

Basic to Professional Range 

DRY: ADS100 - ADS600WS 8 Models 

HYDRO: VPER380 - VPE2 6 Models 

Quality electronic portable foldable dog treadmills 

Treadmills are, or can be, a versatile piece of equipment in the care, maintenance and training of dogs.

There are many reasons why using a treadmill to exercise, train or rehabilitate your dog, is of so many benefits.

Here are just some:

  • Provision of adequate appropriate exercise for breed type, level of energy and individual dog 
  • Maintenance of a healthy body weight and overall condition  
  • Alleviates or may alleviate and/or reduce issues relating to lack of exercise, such as destructive, uncontrollable behaviours, boredom, excessive barking, aggression, weight gain, obesity, ill-health, lack of cardiovascular/respiratory/physical fitness, moodiness, lack of appetite/eating disorders and more
  • Regulate + achieve your dogs minimum required physical activity on a daily basis by setting programs, and following through each day in the convenience of your own home
  • Improve overall Health & Fitness for longevity and minimise health issues relating to lack of exercise, obesity, and ageing 
  • Provides a uniform consistent environment for your dog to exercise in regardless of the type of weather.
    No more missing out on walks, important daily exercise and activity because it’s too wet wild or windy…
  • Avoid Dog Aggression - if this is an issue with your own or someone else’s dog/s when out in public. 
  • Weightloss programs can be tailored to suit your dog 
  • Post Surgery and Post Injury Rehabilitation and Recovery 
  • Convenient + safe Fitness Programs for working dogs
  • Cardiovascular Training for Dog Sporting Events
  • Time management - save time - no more excuses to skip that pooch exercise time or for busy people who lack time to sufficiently exercise their dog/s
  • Greyhound training, exercise, rehabilitation 

The above examples are just some of many uses for treadmills for dogs.

We’d love to hear from you
how you incorporate this handy efficient and convenient piece of equipment into the daily life of your dog/s.

It would be fantastic to feature your story on our webpage to show others who’s dogs may be able to benefit and enjoy the rewards of the use of a treadmill as part of their regular exercise routine! Send in your story

Every featured story is rewarded with a free gift 







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